Spring Flood is ON!                   A SINGLE HUNT           MAY 1st 2017~!

Lots of competition at the local topsoil mine, especially when it floods...

The field is a first terrace site right next to a creek with 30 miles of drainage, and this spot is near the mouth, so there's LOTS of water. Showed about 18 feet on the gauge, which is 14 feet higher than normal. Water went over the field and the road.

The amount of hunting pressure this place gets is pretty good. Getting arrowheads here requires a little extra effort.

I made a trip to the river just after dark last night, and although flood waters were receding, I saw that the water would have to come down another 2 or 3 feet to be hunt-able.

I went back home, and using the USGS real time water data, calculated the descent of floodwaters at 6 inches per hour. This meant I would have to return around 3 am if I wanted to be first on the field.

I prepared my gear, set an alarm, and slept for 3 hours.

Hit the dirt at 3:30 am and there was nobody around, just me and a completely gutted field, full of pointy rocks!!!

I've been hunting this field for 2 1/2 years, and this is the 3rd flood that's overtopped this camp in that time period.

Around 5:30 another hunter showed up. At 6:30 yet ANOTHER hunter showed up.

I hunted 3:30 to 7:30 this morning, found three complete points and 16 brokes. Excellent results for a 4 hour hunt!

See captions on each picture for more detailed information.

This flood has raised several local rivers 3 to 5 feet higher than I've ever seen them...STAY TUNED FOR MORE! #missouriarrowheadhunting #arrowheadhunting

The river is 14 feet above normal in this picture!!

A 10,000 year old projectile point base, a good find, very rare. Notice the fine quality flaking, and the base edges are finely ground!!